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Again Oleg Stepanov tries to steel millions

as the Baltic News Network reports in their article dated March 4th, 2013, Mr. Oleg Stepanov seems to try again to steel millions out of LNT - which translates into Latvias Naftas Tranzits.

The article of BNN reports this threat with reference to inside sources.You can find the original English Article here.

There is also a Latvian and a Russian Version available.

Rease an abstract here:

There are suspicions about possible attempts to steal Latvias Naftas Tranzits‘ (LNT) cash worth millions by means of issuing a loan to Oleg Stepanov’s company Topmar.

It is said that Stepanov is trying to make sure LNT Supervisory Board agrees to pay Topmar the share belonging to Ventbunkers/Ventrans Riga. This is the reason for the convened LNT  Supervisory Board meeting.

It should be mentioned that this kind of scheme was done already last year: it circumvented the property arrests presented in Lembergs’ case.

Stepanov’s need for LNT’s money within the Ventspils transit business is explained with both the need to maintain the millionaire’s expensive place of residence and the political ambitions in expectation of change in government, for the realization of which Ventspils transit business players traditionally use company resources. In the last half-year, there have been signs that Stepanov has formed an alliance with Aivars Lembergs, on behalf of which he conducted negotiations for extensive settlement during the so-called Ventspils transit war.


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