BNN today: BATL – Ventspils Free Port lobbies its companies instead of Latvia’s interests
The Baltic News Network published the following article on June 9th, 2011.
The Baltic Association of Transport and Logistics (BATL) warns Ventspils Free port administration’s activities against AS Ventspils Grain Terminal clearly suggest once more the changes are necessary within Ventspils Free port administration.
Kazakh investors own 100% of AS Ventspils Grain Terminal, which is a perspective project to strengthen the economic relations between Latvia and Kazakhstan. If the project was implemented successfully, it would be a signal also for other investors to place financial resources in the Latvian economy. The association agrees to Economy Minister Artis Kampars description of Ventspils Free Port activities – irresponsible, mismanaged and anti-governmental, according to BATL statement.
BATL, which is made up by the leading companies operating in Ventspils Free Port, point out they are forced to deal with the methods of its administration and its arbitrary, economically ungrounded and different decisions regarding a number of companies.
Similalry, BATL also stresses the port has turned into a private company run by a small number of individuals and its key aim is no longer to develop the port but to lobby «their» companies and harm others.
Consequently, the-once-famous free port is now lagging behind almost all ports along the eastern cost of the Baltic Sea.
Back in mid 1990s, Ventspils Free Port handled almost as much as Saint Petersburg, Tallinn, Riga, Liepaja and Klaipeda ports, while now each of these ports handles much more than Ventpils.
This clearly calls for intervention of the state, as it is a matter of the responsibility of the state and international reputation, thus, BATL will turn to the Latvian Saeima and Cabinet of Ministers asking to arrange the legislation in terms of Ventspils Free Port, according to the association.
You may read this article in the Baltic News Network in the following languages:
Latvian: BALT: Ventspils brīvostas pārvalde lobē savus uzņēmumus, nevis valsts intereses
Russian: BATL: правление Вентспилсского порта лоббирует свои интересы
English: BATL – Ventspils Free Port lobbies its companies instead of Latvia’s interests
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